
Meetings, out-of-date content, and knowledge flight

Does your business have a meeting-centric culture, with a track-record of project derailment due to last minute stakeholder inputs? Or do you struggle to keep your content, documentation, best practices relevant? Is the core knowledge of your business undiscoverable and locked in people’s heads instead of in a well-documented page?

Value of streamlined content operations

Putting value on streamlining content operations is not easy, but the impact is considerable.

Imagine reading a meeting summary instead of watching a recording, or even worse, attending a meeting at 10pm. Or having context on a decision from 6 months ago. Imagine enabling your new employees faster with well-documented best practices.


I’m helping streamline businesses with over 15 years of content operations experience. Most of the packages below come in 3 tiers:

  • Upskilling (40h)
  • Full service (160h),
  • Culture-embed (6 Months engagement)

Consulting services provided on:

  • Content modeling
  • Streamlining business-wide content operations
  • Taxonomy discovery & long-term strategy setup spanning multiple systems
  • Content management re-platform consultancy
  • Request For Proposal (RFP) creation with alignment to long-term business strategy for content management systems with specialization on content reuse, consistency, scalability & ease-of-use
  • Communication architecture streamlining & design based on your current maturity and tools
  • Establishment of a taxonomy alignment process
  • Establishment of a Documentation and Async-first business


Please reach-out for details via LinkedIn or boris.pocatko@gmail.com.